Patrizia Parolini

Patrizia, lawyer, mediator and currently part-time law clerk, studied Creative Writing and attended various courses on literary and therapeutic writing. Her first novel Almas Rom. Eine Puschlaver Familiensaga (“Alma’s Rome. A Puschlayer family saga”) tells the story of her grandmother, who had to leave her birthplace Rome in 1911 due to her father’s illness and returned to his hometown Poschiavo, a farming village in the Bündner mountains.

The book was published by orte-Verlag in 2018 and translated into Italian by Gabriella de’Grandi for the publishing house Armando Dadò editore in 2022. She is the author of the column “E alla prossima” of the magazine KultChur and leads writer’s workshops.

Citizenship: Switzerland

Date of Birth: 1970

Lives in: Chur, Switzerland

Residence: May 2023


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