Anita Harag

© Dóra Baranyai

Anita Harag 

Anita Harag was born in Budapest. Since 2014, she has been publishing short stories in various literary magazines. In 2018, she received the György Petri Prize for her work. For her acclaimed narrative debut, "Es ist zu kühl für diese Jahreszeit" (It's Too Cold for This Season), the author was honored with the Péter Horváth Literature Scholarship in 2019. Translated into German by Timea Tankó, the short story collection was published by Schöffling in 2022.

Quiet and then quirky again, sad and defiant, poetic and then cool – Anita Harag does justice to the genre of the short story, connecting individual stories into a pulsating fabric that evokes empathy and does not simply depict the everyday reality in a flat manner. Beneath the routines of the narrators, fears and pain lurk – but also longing and strength find their way through.

Anita Harag will be reading on February 15th at 7 p.m. at the Collegium Hungaricum Wien (Moderation: Sylvia Treudl).




Lives in: Budapest

Residence: February 2024


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